Laudescher Academy

Laudescher Academy: reflecting the company's commitment to customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is a priority for Laudescher at every level. To guarantee a perfect visual finish that meets the expectations of architects and end customers, the quality of our products' installation is of paramount importance. That's why we've launched the Laudescher Academy, a training course dedicated to the specifics of our products and their installation techniques.

Jean-Marc Laudescher

Training distributors, enhancing the expertise of fitters

Laudescher Academy sessions are adapted to the trainee’s level of knowledge. Distributors will benefit from a first approach to technical and normative aspects, as well as initial guidelines on the installation of Laudescher products.

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Qualiopi-certified training

Laudescher Academy is Qualiopi certified, attesting to the quality of the training implementation process and enabling the various funding bodies to cover training costs.

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Satisfied customers!

100 %

recommendations on training completion

100 %

satisfaction after training


What our customers say:


Would you like to be trained?
Contact your sales representative.